Building Instructions


part no. name function quantity
per actuator
(1) upper frame joint
mounting platform
(2) magnet angle measurement 1
(3) bellows actuation 2
(4) lower frame joint
mounting platform
(5) valve interface valve integration 2
(6) encoder ETA25K angle measurement 1
(7) microvalve VA 304-913 actuation 2
(8) PCB communication 1
(9) screw M2x12 mounting of bellows
connect adjacent actuators
8 or 12*
(10) screw M3x10 mounting 2
(11) nut M3 mounting 2
(12) screw M2x20 airtight mounting of tube connectors
and bellows/interfaces
(13) nut M2 mounting 18 or 22*
(14) tube (6mm diameter) pneumatics 1 or 0*
(15) stand hold robot 1**
(16) lid close (optically) last actuator 1**
(17a) tube connector bottom pneumatics 1
(17b) tube connector top pneumatics 1 or 0*
(17c) pressure supply end using
(17b) without connector
close pneumatic supply 0 or 1*

*for the last actuator of an assembled robot
**once per robot


Single Actuator

  1. Mount (6) into (4) on the inner side using (10) and (11) and lead the cable through the hole in (4).
  2. Insert (2) into the joint shaft in (1).
  3. Assemble frames: Slightly bend (4) and insert into (1). (2) and (6) must oppose each other.
  4. Mount (17a) to (4) using (12) and (13)
  5. Mount (17b) to (4) using (12) and (13) (Mount (17c) instead, if building the last actuator).
  6. Insert (7) into (5). Using alcohol as lubricant makes this process easier. For further information, please refer to the microvalve datasheet.
  7. Insert (5) into recesses in (4). The curve of (5) must align with the curve of (4).
  8. Insert (3) into recesses in (4).
  9. Join the parts together with (12) and (13).
  10. Insert the upper part of (3) between the mounting extensions on (1). Secure it by (9) and (13).
  11. Connect the cables to (8).


  1. Insert the first actuator into (15), attach pressure supply to (17a) and connect (8) to test bench.
  2. Attach (14) to (17a) of an adjacent actuator (lead it through the hole in the PCB). Connect the two adjacent PCBs.
  3. Stack the actuators (lead the pipe segment trough the hole in the middle of the upper frame) and attach tube segment to (17b).
  4. Secure both actuators using (9) and (13).
  5. Repeat 2-4 for all actuators
  6. Attach (16) to the last actuator of an assembled robot using (9) and (13).


When you downloaded the .stl files, you need to pay attention to the preparation of the files for printing. Most parts, printed with Polyjet technology, need to be printed as an assembly (some parts only consist of a single file). In general, the folder structure is such that each assembly has its own folder. Use “add as assembly” to create the print job. The valve interfaces are printed using resin technology. Pay attention that no support structures may be generated inside the cavities.

part no. material files
(1) VeroBlackPlus/VeroWhitePlus upper_frame.stl
(1) Agilus30 upper_frame_magnet_lip.stl
(3) VeroBlackPlus/VeroWhitePlus bellow_lower_platform.stl
(3) Agilus30 bellow_membrane.stl
(4) VeroBlackPlus/VeroWhitePlus lower_frame.stl
(4) Agilus30 lower_frame_tube_connector_seal_1.stl
(5) BlackV4 valve_interface.stl
(15) VeroBlackPlus/VeroWhitePlus stand.stl
(16) VeroBlackPlus/VeroWhitePlus lid.stl
(17a) VeroBlackPlus/VeroWhitePlus tube_connector_bottom.stl
(17b) VeroBlackPlus/VeroWhitePlus tube_connector_top.stl
(17c) VeroBlackPlus/VeroWhitePlus tube_connector_end.stl